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I am giving you 5 steps that go back to the basis and will provide you with a strong foundation for achieving healthy glorious hair, starting only with practical measures and techniques, and certainly no “miracle products”. Also, no crazy food bowl mixtures either…
"Going forward in my Pharmaceutical Sciences degree, coupled with my increasing interest and passion for hair care, I became more and more aware of all the inaccurate and harmful information that was out there. After years of frustration while observing what information went around social media and in the curly hair groups that I was a part of, I thought “enough” and just had to react. I had to try to revert this misinformation and simplify curly hair care. My project is now a few months old, and I’m here to offer you a free copy of my eBook."
Read below my full story
I used to have strange hair.Why strange, you might ask? I didn’t know why; it was just strange. That is how I would describe. As I got older and started getting myself ready, I would brush through my hair every morning and go to school. I couldn’t understand why my hair wouldn’t just lay straight like all my other friends.
When I was 12,I insisted that I wanted to have a side fringe, or bangs, depending on what term you use. The side fringe was really kicking at that time, and I just really wanted it to lay straight and slick… But my side fringe had its own plan, that being: clearance to take off. The bangs were stubborn, but I was too. The result? You may see for yourself, as an image expresses more than 1000 words:

Let me explain you what my process consisted of: I would comb 10 kg of my dad’s hair gel every morning into my fringe for it to lay flat. At the end of the day, white gel flakes were falling onto my face…
When I was around 14 years old,Portuguese teenagers were now into curly perms, lucky me… But really, I was lucky. My sister, although having curly-ish hair already, got a curly perm to define her curls, and started buying styling foam. One day she put some of in it on my wet hair and dried my hair with her diffuser. For my surprise suddenly, I had some curls.
And that’s how my curly hair journey started,I was lucky enough that someone tried something different with my hair, when all I wanted was straight shiny hair like all my other friends.
So, for about 8 years that was the routine I sticked to. I would wash my hair every other day and apply styling foam all over, then blow dry using a diffuser. I didn’t need to wash my hair every other day, my roots wouldn’t get dirty or oily in 2 days. It was boring and annoying, but I was doing so only for aesthetic reasons because I didn’t like my third hair day results. (If you follow my pages, you’ll see that I now try all types of hairstyles and updos that I wear for day 3 or 4… and I also protect my hair while sleeping, so thankfully that’s no issue anymore… but back to my story).
When I was 18, I got my first android phone, and at 21 I created an Instagram account. But I’m not that old, IG appeared when I was around 16 years old. I just wasn’t that into social media then… So, I got to discover the new wonders of social media and discovered the curly hair movement that started getting strong all over the internet. Finally, I could relate with people with hair like mine. Slowly I started learning a lot and trying various new techniques on my hair, gathering information from those with similar hair type to mine, but also with those with tighter or looser waves than me. At that time, I was a university student in Pharmaceutical Sciences, therefore I did not have a big budget for hair products. So, I started by exploring other store-bought hair products. To this day, and this is 100% true, I still get all my products from the supermarket, and they cost 3-4€ in average… But that’s a whole other topic I’ll get into on another occasion, or you can ask me anytime you want, and I’ll tell you how and why.
Now I must admitthat at that time I did get caught up in all those myths and scary horror stories you would hear around the fire on a dark camping night: “You can’t use sulphates, silicones, parabens, dark magic, fairy dust… on your hair”. Just kidding about the dark magic and fairy dust. But it’s true. I frantically and desperately ran every store looking for shampoo that didn’t contain any sulphates. “What do I do now?!”. Finally, I found one, it was a shampoo bar. It was good. I liked the smell of it. When I finished the bar and went to buy more, I noticed that the design of the container had changed. So, I looked at the ingredient list to discover that they had changed the formulation and now there were sulphates in it. Did I freak out? The curly girl from 3 months ago would, but thankfully I then knew better. In that point of my course, I had already learnt about product ingredients and formulation, and I knew I didn’t have to be afraid of those ingredients anymore...
“Knowledge is power”,they say, and it’s true. I could even understand and hypothesize that they probably added sulphates for better cleansing results that wasn’t getting met by the previous “sulphate free” formulation. The point is, it was amazing to be able to make my own decisions based on my knowledge, gain control back over my own hair care, and having the tools to distinguish the accurate information from the false and hokum one.
Going forward in my Pharmaceutical Sciences degree, coupled with my increasing interest and passion for hair care, I became more and more aware of all the inaccurate and harmful information that was out there. After years of frustration while observing what information went around social media and in the curly hair groups that I was a part of, I thought “enough” and just had to react. I had to try to revert this misinformation and simplify curly hair care. My project is now a few months old, and I’m here to offer you a free copy of my eBook.
I am giving you 5 steps that go back to the basisand will provide you with a strong foundation for achieving healthy glorious hair, starting only with practical measures and techniques, and certainly no “miracle products”. Also, no crazy food bowl mixtures either…
You may not trust me, or not want to believe me, or you may download my eBook where I’ve uncovered the 5 biggest and most common mistakes about curly hair care. In less than 10 minutes, I expose the mistakes you most probably are making yourself, victim of the many self-called “curly hair experts”.
Later I’ll be “bothering” you with my emails. I’ll be sending them as long as you want to be in the recipient end of my knowledge and advice. You may cancel whenever you want, or you can just casually observe as long as you want. That is ok. And this our deal.
Are you fully confident in your hair care routine or are you just another victim of misinformation?
I’m asking you this because by entering my exclusive list, I’m giving you access to my eBook, that includes:
- The 5 curly hair care basics that boosted my hair health.
- 5 simple and easy to fix steps, which you are probably doing wrong, that will give you back control over your hair health. After knowing them, you will want to change your hair care routine today.
- And most importantly, in less than 10 minutes you can learn how to revolutionize the health of your curly hair.
If you're interested, get your free copy of my eBook with the 5 most common mistakes about curly hair by leaving your email:

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